Pace of Play

This is a reminder on behalf of the SLV Golf Committee to all of our golfers concerning tee times and pace of play.

In an effort to maximize course availability for other leagues and members who play the full eighteen, the SLV Golf Committee has established a set of general guidelines as follows to promote expedient play on the course.


  • All players should arrive no less than twenty (20) minutes prior to their scheduled tee time.
  • For team events, all the players should arrive prior to the first scheduled tee time. This is so the coordinator can make any necessary adjustments.
  • If you have signed up for but cannot play on a scheduled play day, please call the clubhouse to cancel AND email the PDC of record for that day’s play.
  • Members should check their emails for revised times or pairings.
  • Pace of play! Playing time should not be more than two (2) hours and fifteen (15) minutes.
  • Remember we do not allow ‘mulligans’ as they slow the pace of play.
  • Limit lost ball searches to three (3) minutes.
  • Be on the tee by your scheduled time. And tee off by the time the last player of the group in front of you has hit his second shot.


  • In a cart, drop your cart buddy off at his ball and go immediately to your ball.
  • Practice continuous putting and finish off that ten ( 10 ) foot or less putts.
  • Get out of the cart and prepare your club before your turn to play — especially at the tee box.
  • Be ready to play when it is your turn.
  • Last one back to the cart, keep your clubs in your hand and jump in and go! Put your clubs away at the next tee box while others are preparing to hit.
  • If a fellow player is looking for their ball, go help. But if others are already helping, you go play your ball.
  • Play “Ready Golf”. Play your ball when you are ready regardless of your position within your group.
  • Maintain maximum triple bogey on any hole. If not holed out after double bogey, pick up your ball.
  • Go from point A to point B quickly. You can socialize but be ready to play golf!
  • If you are not going to wear your golf glove for your next shot, take it off prior to your turn to play.
  • If you are going to wear your golf glove for your next shot, put it on prior to your turn to play.
  • Cut your pre-shot routine in half — reduce the number of practice swings.
  • Scope out your upcoming shot/chip/putt as you are getting there.
  • Upon approaching the green in a cart, drop off the player whose ball is shorter, then the other player takes the cart around the green. Take several clubs with you including a putter.
  • If you finish the hole first, take care of the flag stick.
  • If you have stories to tell, tell them while riding or walking to the ball. Save long stories to tell at Monti’s or the River Grill after golf.
  • Be aware of other players, their ball, and when they are ready to hit.
  • Share your score with the scorekeeper as the group is leaving the green.
  • Keep a ball marker handy.
  • Fix ball marks and pick up loose impediments on your putting line while others are getting ready.
  • If you have to walk to your ball from a cart, take additional clubs you think you may need.